The Importance of Routine Dental X-Rays
July 13, 2023
Regular X-rays provide a comprehensive view of your oral health and establish a continual record of your teeth and gums. Dr. AnnMarie Olson and Dr. Kacie Culotta of Restora Dental Arts in Austin, TX, utilize state-of-the-art digital X-rays for patients of all ages. Read on as they explain why digital X-rays are invaluable to delivering superior dental care. The importance […]
What is a Dental Abscess?
June 1, 2023
Dental abscesses are collections of pus that form inside the teeth, the gums, or the bone that supports the teeth. Often they’re quite painful, but not always. Either way, an abscess requires immediate treatment. Dr. AnnMarie Olson and Dr. Kacie Culotta of Restora Dental Arts in Austin, TX, break down everything you need to know about dental abscesses, how to […]
4 Ways Sugar Affects Your Oral Health
May 2, 2023
The average American consumes 17 teaspoons of added sugar daily. Excessive sugar consumption is associated with tooth decay. That’s because after eating sweets, leftover particles combine with your saliva and bacteria, causing that sticky film known as plaque. Dr. AnnMarie Olson and Dr. Kacie Culotta of Restora Dental Arts in Austin, TX, want you to know about sugar and oral health. […]
How We Help Patients With Sleep Apnea
April 1, 2023
More than 18 million adults in the United States have sleep apnea, not including the many children who also suffer from this condition. One of the hallmarks of sleep apnea is loud snoring. But that — and the annoyance it has on your spouse or roommate — is minor compared to the impact sleep apnea can have on […]
5 Benefits of Invisalign
March 3, 2023
When you feel good about your smile, you smile more often, and you’re more confident. That changes how people perceive you. Thanks to modern dentistry, you can have the smile you’ve always wished for.Along with increased confidence, there are some serious health benefits to having straighter teeth. With properly aligned teeth, you may be able […]
How to Prevent Tooth Loss as You Age
February 24, 2023
Natural changes occur throughout your body as you get older. Healing slows down, tissues like gums become thinner and weaker, and the bones supporting your teeth lose strength.Everyday wear and tear also have an impact. Years of chewing and biting take a toll, slowly removing the enamel and increasing your risk for cavities and cracked […]
Choosing Veneers for a New Smile
January 9, 2023
Veneers might be the way to go: Whether you’re looking to fix stained, misshapen, or tiny teeth — and a host of other smile flaws. At Restora Dental Arts in Austin, Texas, AnnMarie Olson, DDS PA, offers a wide range of smile-improving treatments. For many of our patients, the best fit is the simplest — veneers. Anatomy of a […]
What Your Tongue can Reveal About Your Health
December 9, 2022
Talking, chewing, tasting, and swallowing would all be completely different functions without your tongue. Though it’s a versatile and necessary part of daily life, your tongue can also serve as a window into your overall wellness. An exam at Restora Dental Arts in Austin, Texas, includes an examination of your tongue and its inherent health indicators. While […]